Nederlandse versie

Choosing your own investment funds

Index-tracking and Actively Managed types of investment

We invest your pension money by default in a lifecycle. But you may be able to select your investment funds yourself (‘Self-investment’). You then have ‘extended investment freedom’. If you have a Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan, you can see in tier 2 of Pension 1-2-3 whether you have this option. In the case of the Pensioen Continu Plan, you can always opt for Self-investment. In the case of Pensioen Plus, you can opt for Self-investment if you can also do so for your Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan (your basic scheme).

How does ‘Self-investment’ work?

If you use the possibility to choose your own investment funds for your pension, you can choose from the investment funds that are available within your pension scheme. Before you choose your investment funds, you must first determine your risk profile with the risk profiler. This helps you determine how much investment risk suits you, and to what extent you can best reduce your higher-risk investments. This means that the pension benefit that you expect to choose later will be more appropriate. We also need your risk profile to process your investment choices. It is advisable to re-set your risk profile every year.
You can then submit your choice of investment funds using the fund selection form on this page.

Taking responsibility for investments

You yourself are responsible for choosing the investment funds that are appropriate to your preferences and situation. It is therefore up to you to make sure the degree of risk exposure is appropriate to you. Is your retirement age or Dutch state retirement (AOW) age approaching? If so, we will not automatically reduce the investment risk for you.

If you choose ‘Self-investment’, it is important that you have sufficient knowledge of and experience with investing as this will allow you to assess the risks effectively and to reduce the investment risk yourself as your actual retirement date approaches. Do you think you will want a fixed pension benefit after your retirement date that is not to be invested? In that case, we recommend reducing your higher-risk investments as much as possible. Does a variable benefit whereby part of your pension money is invested suit you better? In that case, you can do this by reducing the higher-risk investments to a lesser degree.

When can I choose my own investment funds?

For your Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan, you can choose your own investment funds if you have an ‘extended investment choice’ (see tier 2 of Pension 1-2-3). In the case of the Pensioen Continu Plan, you can always opt for Self-investment. In the case of Pensioen Plus, you can opt for Self-investment if you can also do this for your Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan (your basic scheme).

Please note: even if your pension scheme offers the possibility to opt for Self-investment, this is not always possible. If you have a Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan and the policy number of your pension scheme starts with a 5, you cannot choose your own investment funds in the following cases:

  • You supplement your pension by paying in Extra contributions. When paying in Extra contributions, you cannot choose your investment funds. We always invest on your behalf in a lifecycle. Within a lifecycle, however, you are able to make a number of investment choices, such as opting for higher or lower-risk investments.
  • You purchase a guaranteed pension with Pension Click. You cannot combine this option with Self-investments. Would you like to Self-invest anyway? If so, first stop purchasing a guaranteed pension. Once this choice has been processed, you will be able to start Self-investing immediately.

Making and submitting your choice

For your pension scheme with Index-tracking or Actively Managed types of investment, you can choose from the investment funds associated with these two types of investment. You must always set the risk profiler before you can submit a new fund choice, or you must have done it less than a year ago.

1. Setting your risk profile

If you have a Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan, you can set the risk profiler at mijn.nn Financial Future. Click on mijn.nn at the top right of this page to log in. Click subsequently on your pension scheme. In Financial Future, you will find the risk profiler by clicking on ‘Investment choices’ under ‘Go to’. If you have not yet created an account or have forgotten your login details, we will help you on the login screen of mijn.nn.

For Pensioen Plus and Pensioen Continu Plan, you set your risk profile using the risk profiler (‘risicoprofielbepaler’) in PDF below.

Risicoprofielbepaler Index Volgend-Actief Beheerd (Dutch only)

2. Making your fund choice

You can then choose in which funds you want us to invest. You can view the fund information and prices at Prices and fund information for Index-Tracking and Actively Managed types of investment (Dutch only). It is recommended that you align your fund choice with your risk profile and the number of years until your retirement date. Your risk profile indicates how much investment risk is appropriate to you and the extent to which it would be best to reduce your higher-risk investments. Read the document ‘Choose the investment that best suits you now’ for help. This will help you determine which distribution of investment categories suits your risk profile and the number of years until your retirement date.

Choose the investment that best suits you now

You can fill in your fund choice on the fund choice form (‘fondskeuzeformulier’) in PDF that you can download below.

Fondskeuzeformulier Zelf beleggen Index Volgend-Actief Beheerd (Dutch only)

3. Submitting your choice of funds

If you have fully completed and signed your fund choice form, send it to us. The address details are stated on the form.

Remember: if you filled in the risk profiler in PDF instead of online, send it together with your fund choice form.

Investing with investment guarantee

Please note: if you have a Persoonlijk Pensioen Plan or a Pensioen Continu Plan and the policy number of your pension scheme starts with an 8, you can choose to your investments made in the NN Euro Rente Fonds P and you can use the investment guarantee.
Is your total investment in this investment fund higher in euro's than the actual value of the investments at your retirement date? If so, you will get back your total invested premium instead of the value of the investments. This therefore means that you will always at least get back your invested premium (minus the premium paid for this guarantee).

The guarantee at your retirement date only applies to the money put in. We do not provide an investment guarantee for credited dividend.

Guarantee premium

If you opt for the investment guarantee, you will pay a premium equal to 1% of the money put in. We will not invest this premium for you. Furthermore, you do not get an investment guarantee for this premium.

Conditions for the investment guarantee

The investment guarantee is subject to an important condition: the investment guarantee only applies if you have your pension money invested continuously in the NN Euro Rente Fonds P through to your (early) retirement date. If you retire later, then the investment guarantee will apply until that deferred retirement date.

This condition does not apply in certain cases. If you have your pension money invested continuously in the NN Euro Rente Fonds P, you will be entitled to the investment guarantee if:

  • you take part-time retirement (before you take full retirement);
  • you opt to have the value of your pension transferred to the pension provider of your new pension scheme (statutory individual value transfer of pension rights). If you change employers or join an occupational pension scheme, this usually involves a statutory value transfer. Are the total premiums paid at that time higher than the actual value of your investments? Then we transfer the net premiums paid for you;
  • we buy out your pension before your retirement date because the pension is smaller than the legally prescribed minimum;
  • you die before your retirement date, in which case 90% of the investment value becomes available.

Lapse of the investment guarantee

The investment guarantee lapses if:

  • you have the value in the NN Euro Rente Fonds P invested in another investment fund (known as ‘switching’), unless we replace the NN Euro Rente Fonds P;
  • you choose a non-statutory, individual value transfer. For this kind of value transfer the pension provider is not obliged to cooperate (for the rules for statutory value transfer, see under "Conditions for the investment guarantee", above);
  • you agree to (or do not object to) a collective value transfer of pension rights;
  • you switch to investing in a lifecycle;
  • you use the value of the investments to purchase a guaranteed pension before your retirement date.

We do not repay the premiums paid for the investment guarantee.

Costs for Self-investment

Running costs

Running costs include all costs charged by the fund manager for the management of the investments. The fund manager takes these costs out of the total fund assets. The costs are expressed as a percentage of the value. You will not see these costs separately in overviews of your pension insurance, because these costs are included in the price of the investment fund. You can find these costs at Prices and fund information for the Index-tracking and Actively Managed types of investment (Dutch only). Click on the name of the fund and then on the tab ‘Feiten’.


Running costs do not include transaction costs incurred by the fund manager for buying and selling the investments in the investment fund. If the fund manager buys additional investments for you or sells investments for you, a surcharge or discount on the transaction price often applies. This surcharge or discount is intended to protect current investors in the investment fund against costs arising from additional purchases or sales. These costs are also referred to as entry or exit charges, or ‘spread’. These costs too are not stated in overviews, because they are included in the price of the fund. You can find these costs on the page Prices and fund information for the Index-tracking and Actively Managed types of investment (Dutch only). Click on the name of the fund and then on the tab 'Feiten'.

Management fees

In addition to the costs included by the fund manager in the price, Nationale-Nederlanden charges management fees for:

  • managing the lifecycles;
  • changing the investments within the lifecycles;
  • compiling the range of investment funds that you can choose yourself;
  • providing information about the investments.

The management fees are a percentage of the value of the investments. We deduct these fees from the value of the investments. The amount of these fees can be found in tier 3 of your Pension 1-2-3, in your pension regulations.

If the value of your investments is invested in several investment funds, we deduct the management fees periodically from the value of the investment funds. We do so in proportion to the value of the investment funds.

Purchase and selling costs

Nationale-Nederlanden may charge costs for the purchase or sale of the investments. The amount of these costs can be found in tier 2 of your Pension 1-2-3 or in the pension regulations.

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